Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tidying Up Art

We learned some things about photoshop today! I learned how to move images around, change colors, erase pieces, and transform selections.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Favs

These are my picks from our scavenger hunt.

ISO 400, f/14, 1/100 shutter speed, and cloudy day white balance.
Taken with ISO 400, shutter speed of 1/50, f/14, and cloudy day white balance.
This was taken with an ISO setting of 400, an aperture of 7.1, a shutter speed of 1/25 and a white balance for a cloudy day.

Contact Sheet of Scavenger Hunt

This is the contact sheet of our photo scavenger hunt. We had to go and photograph a number of different things and have our camera on particular settings while doing so.

Monday, September 27, 2010

White Balance

This was an exercise on seeing what changing the white balance does to an image. There is daylight, shade, cloudy, tungsten, and florescent white balances. These pictures show how much difference just changing this setting can do.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This assignment asked us to take a series of about six pictures within a confined area. This particular one I struggled with so I kind of want to do it again when I have a moment. Oh well! Things will get better :)

Kitchen Photos

In this assignment we were supposed to take photographs of our kitchen or kitchen related things. These are my two favorite from this exercise.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Scan-o-gram picks

By Patrick - I love the different props used in this photo. The mix of all of them together I think really captures what modern society has turned into and embraces.

By Topher -I love the colors in this picture. Although there is mostly a theme of black and white (the black background being amazing for making the white eggs really pop out), the little bit of yellow and blue make the image even more unique. This is really an awesome image embracing an interesting color scheme and a variety of textures I feel as though I can touch.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Day with a Scanner

This weekend we were asked to do a scan-o-gram project. It was a self portrait assignment where we were allowed to use whatever we wanted to convey "self." There are versions of this done in dark rooms as well. These are my picks from our scanner project. I think my eyes are still taking a beating from the light... OOPS! haha

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Class Portraits

Durring class we went outside to take class portraits and do introductions. While taking the pictures we also were instructed to chose different apertures or shutter speeds in order to see how the photos changed.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Amazing Photography

Antonin Kratochvil. I have become obsessed over his work. Rarely does he fail to give me goose bumps when I am looking at his photography. He has this amazing ability to capture the nitty gritty of life in one shot. Truly amazing! Check him out if you haven't heard of him!

Golden Mean - Favorites

Aside from the picture originally posted, from the collection of photos taken for the assignment these were the ones that stood out the most for me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Golden Means - Favorite Shot

This is probably my favorite shot of the first exercise. The the color contrasts I think make it feel almost eerie.

Golden Means

After two somewhat suspenseful classes of wondering if I would actually be enrolled in the class, I am finally in. But although I was waiting for an official answer I was able to do the weekend assignment... Heres what I got!